Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Well, the temps have been above freezing for several days now, and I must say it is a welcome development. The only downside is that our road is complete muck. I think driving out the other day I actually drove over the roof of a truck that had sunk in a particularly deep mudhole.
Well, not quite that bad, but you get the idea.
I spent Saturday gathering up branches and burning them (doing my part to contribute to global warming, and not a moment too soon, I might add) and also on a ladder with a chainsaw cutting branches out of trees. Plenty o' firewood now.
I am glad for the turn of the seasons - however, let me rant a bit about this irritating exercise practiced twice yearly of confusing us all as to what time it is.
I'm convinced that daylight savings time is a tool of the devil to create confusion and discouragement.
It's now proven that it DOES NOT create energy savings. In fact, it INCREASES energy consumption by 10-15%.
So, enough already. Let's set the clocks now and be done with it.
The first candidate who campaigns on a platform of one time, all year gets my vote, because I frankly am not impressed with the credentials of the current crop.
Do your part - let's start up a blog time protest and end this insanity.


Jana said...

Are you serious about daylight savings not saving energy!? If so, I am outraged. But the English teacher in me wants you to cite your sources (in MLA format, preferably).

Dale Deur said...

A recent study in an area of Indiana that had not previously complied with DST and now did showed an increase of energy use, up to 10-15%. Can't cite the source, but I did hear it on network news recently.
Grrrr. Stupid DST.